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Tsunami Waves of Goodness

Tsunami Waves of Goodness

Regular price $36.00 AUD
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‘Add to your faith goodness’

Design Description:

These series of Tsunami Wave banners are designed to encourage us to go for more - for all God wants for us - not the small portion we may have come to expect. Using these banners in prayer, declaration or ministry help us to look up- to raise our expectation of the God of more than enough.

Sometimes we fall under the misunderstanding that God only wants to give us the bare minimum. We expect “just enough” rather than expecting extravagantly, “infinitely more than all we can ask or imagine”.

As banner wielders we can partner with God to begin to shift the situation we and others find ourselves in, not in tiny increments but in a huge wave of change.

In Isaiah 59:19 it says, “When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard (banner) against him and put him to flight [For He will come like a rushing stream which the breath of the Lord drives].”(AMP)

The imagery is that of a flash-flood contained by the walls of a narrow canyon in the desert in Israel - a inland tsunami that suddenly overwhelms the enemy and washes everything away before it!

Sometimes we restrict ourselves to man-sized interventions rather than God-sized interventions. Ephesian 3:19-20 expresses this sense of much more than we expect in the following way:

…so that you may have the richest experience of God’s presence in your lives, completely filled and flooded with God Himself. Now to the Him who is able to carry out His purposes and do superabundantly more than all we dare ask or think, infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes and dreams, according to His power that is at work within us.’ (AMP)

God can do awe-inspiring, immeasurable, tsunami-like things that are greater than you could ask or imagine.

So, let’s start asking big! Tsunami-sized big!

Tsunami Waves of Goodness
In Psalm 27:13 David, surrounded by a hopeless situation and attacked on every side says “I remain confident in this: I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living.” Some situations need a tsunami of goodness to sweep everything away before it! But we are to pursue it, to turn from evil and do good (Psalm 34:14), and again in 2 Peter 1:5-7 we are admonished to make every effort to add goodness to our faith. It’s an active chasing after and working out! Cling to it says Romans 12:9 lest it escape from your grasp!

We are called to do good to everyone - especially to other believers in Galatians 6:10. However, our model for this fruit of the Spirit is the Lord Himself. Nahum 1:7 makes it clear “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.” It is from Him that the tsunami wave of God’s goodness can be released through you onto the earth!

See the complete set of Tsunami Waves Designs


Name of the LORD:
Elohay Ha'tov - The God of Goodness

Bible Verses:

Psalm 27:13, Psalm 34:14, 2 Peter 1:5-7; Romans 12:21; Galatians 5:22-23, Galatians 6:10, Nahum 1:7

Available Banner Sizes;

Mini: 36cm x 26cm

Ribbon: 300cm x 10cm

Small: 100cm x 57cm

Medium: 150cm x 89cm

Large: 200cm x 115cm

Extra Long: 140cm x 500cm

Giant: 280cm x 500cm

Indication of Large Size Banner

Example of Large Banner

Indication of Medium Size Banner

Example of Medium Banner

Indication of Small Size Banner

Example of Small Banner

Indication of Ribbon Size Banner

Example of Ribbon

Indication of Mini Size Banner

Example of Mini Banner

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