Blood, The
Blood, The
‘Sheltering, anointing, liberating, securing pardon and cleansing.’
Design Description:
Banner Design Description This is another wonderfully powerful banner. Everyone who sees it knows what it symbolises. This banner is painted at an angle to create the effect of blood flowing down over the banner. White was chosen as the background because the blood of Jesus shed on the cross provides forgiveness, puri! cation and cleansing. Not one for the fainthearted, this banner makes a dramatic visual statement of the profound power associated with the blood of Jesus Christ. So... wrap yourself in it, wrap someone else in it, wave the banner from a mountaintop, claim territory taken and celebrate its power and effectiveness. The power of the blood is not a limited resource. Use it! Declare cleansing of the land with the power of the blood, set boundaries, proclaim healing and freedom! The story of the Exodus gives a perfect picture of the overcoming power of the blood. As the Israelites painted it on the doorposts and lintels of their homes, it provided the shelter, redemption and atonement needed to deliver them from their place of bondage. Because of the blood, El Yeshuati (The God of My Salvation) today delivers us, heals us, provides for us, protects us, makes us whole and justifies us before the Father. Name of the LORD: Bible Verses: In the Old Testament blood was used to symbolise sheltering (Exodus 12:13); atoning (Exodus 30:10; Leviticus 17:11); liberating (Zechariah 9:11); securing pardon (Hebrews 9:7) and cleansing (Hebrews 9:7). In the New Testament, Christ's blood:
The accuser is overcome by the blood of the lamb (and by the word of their testimony) (Revelation 12 :11). Design by: David Stanfield © OOOMB |